27 December 2010


Yeah this is what i needed. I was just thinking the other day, I miss straight forward hardcore. So much of the scene where I am right now is either way youth crew old school, or like metal core gayness. I need some just tough New York style stuff. Thats what this is. This cd is average in all the ways you want it to be. These guys aren't trying to break any ground or innovate really. Some would even say this release is mediocre compared to some of the cds that have come out this year, but to me this kind of mediocrity is a breath of fresh air. Guns up! Plays pretty straight forward old style hardcore. This is not a fast tempo old school release really, though there are some parts that will make you run back and forth and hit someone, but this cd really excels in slow driving grooves and really tough breakdowns. The entire disc sounds kinda like something you may have heard before, but not in a frustrating way. While I dunno if this worthy of being somebodies favorite band, this is definitely the kind of opener you come out early to see.

The lyrics are pretty standard hardcore fair, not particularly challenging or interesting, but not frustrating either. Lots of anger here for you to shout along to the next time these kids come to town. Plus with lyrics this simple they should be easy to learn. The vocals are more brutal then some of the bands they are emulating, but that is a nice change. This kind of makes me think of a slower, tougher American nightmare. I don't know that these guys would catch on with the hipster kids the way that band did though.

Over all, while this cd is not the most original disc I have hard recently, it is still a breath of hardcore fresh air in a scene choked on fashion over substance. These are the type of songs that probably made you fall in love with this music. Check it out.